• LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849 LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849
  • LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849 LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849
  • LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849 LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849
  • LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849 LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849
  • LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849 LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849
  • LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849 LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849
  • LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849 LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849
  • LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849 LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849

LV Louis Vuitton Monogram Shoulder Strap for Bag J02287 Red 6849

In Stock
Model: J02287

Size: W90cm

Supplier: Replica Handbags Wholesaler

Brand: Louis Vuitton LV

Shipping: We can ship the replica bags to all of the world by EMS for free! EMS usually take 7 to 10 business days for shipping. We can also ship the items by DHL. The DHL usually take 5 to 7 business days.Payment: We can accept Credit Card, Western union. Replica bags VISA payment 100% safe.

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QHow Long Does It Take For Delivery ?
AIt usually takes 7 to 12 business days for shipping by EMS. It usually takes 4 to 7 days for shipping by DHL.
QWhat Qaulity are your bags ?
AWe supply 7 star Mirror Image Designer Handbags of Real Leather with Dust Cover / Tags and Accessory / Serial Number. Just like Original ones.
QCan I get order confirmation or tracking number if I order something online ?
AOrder confirmation will be send out after we get your order payment within 1 day , and also after we ship out your order ,we will email you the tracking number within 2-4 days, so just check your email after you paid your order successful
QWhat is the problems when I can not check the status about my package after I get tracking number from you ?
AAfter you get the tracking number , it need at least 2-3 days to be updated. So just check the status few days later, if still doesn’t work, you can confirm back with us.
QWhich payment method you can accept ?
AWe accept visa credit card, master credit card, western union, money gram and telegraphic Transfer(bank wire)


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